Alexis Look

Products used to achieve Alexis's buttery blonde hues:

Demi & Lightener Fomulas

Demi 7GBE (7/38), Demi 9G (9/3), Processing Lotion
Elite Powder mixed with Cream Developer 10 vol.
Elite Powder mixed with Cream Developer 20 vol.

Demi Color

Mixing Ratio
Demi Color : Processing Lotion = 1 : 1

When Clear is mixed to the color
Demi Color + Clear : Processing Lotion = 1 : 1

Process 3 ~ 20 minutes depending on desired results and techniques

Lightener Application

Mixing Ratio
Elite Powder : Developer = 1 : 2 ~ 3
Elite Clay : Developer = 1 : 2 ~ 3

Process 20 ~ 40 minutes (up to 50 minutes).
Developer: Choose from 10, 20, 30, and 40 vols.

Do not use heat. Off-scalp application. Follow instructions on the package.